

Ted Youth - Sparking Inspiration


I was really excited to find that my artwork had been used on stage at the annual Ted Youth event named 'The Spark'. A brief explanation about Ted Youth: it's a day long event held for students with 20+ speakers which include scientists, explorers and artists. Last year it took place at The Civic Theatre in New Orleans, Louisiana.

For me, Ted Youth stands for; independence, thinking outside the box, trying something new and opening yourself up to new challenges even if it looks scary! The reason why I am so honored that my artwork was used is because I totally agree with Ted Youths ethos of engaging youths though interesting subjects using speakers who have experiences which have helped them and who they hope may help others.

I am happy that my artwork reflects positivity and sparks interest in this way.

To top it off my artwork shared the stage with none other than Mr. Ashton Kutcher! I hope you feel as inspired as I do right now! 

For more photos from the event please click here

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